Sky’s the limit.

print design, logo design, product design,

print design, logo design, product design,

In high school, I found a wonderful local print shop that worked with me to create a quality print I designed for my AP art class. I’ve worked with them a few times since to bring other designs to life on pieces of clothing. I plan on posting certain pieces for sale soon, here on my site.

Other Print Work ->

In my first years in college, I designed a logo and social media icon for my friend’s newly-formed student group, RecycleBacks, at the University of Arkansas. This group was a student-lead initiative to bring attention to and improve the ecological impact of the university. The group wanted a logo that looked clean and modern when implemented into a student’s typical college comfort style. I created the logo in Adobe Illustrator and delivered a vectorized version for ease of printing.


Among the most enjoyable studies I had at UTD was my Capstone Project. I decided to create a playable virtual reality environment, where there would be a small amount of interaction for the player. Unfortunately, the bulk of my final semester coincided with the beginnings of the Covid-19 Pandemic. The semester was turned upside down, and I lost the ability to spend my evenings on campus getting help and peer review from fellow students.

In spite of the limitations, loneliness, and change of scope, I was able to create a playable virtual reality environment white-box amidst the beginnings of a terrifying pandemic. The gif (left) shows the happy dance I did when I finally got the whole thing working.

It was a well-earned victory, and very insightful into the workings of VR projects in Unity.

But wait there’s more!

Thank you for taking the time to explore my website!

From many years of curiosity come many years of passion. I spent a lot of my life admiring artists of all kinds, and in the recent years I feel indescribably happy with all of the decisions and opportunities that led me to where I am. I daydream about getting to be a part of a collaborative project, and I hope yours is the team that has an open seat at the table for me. If you have any desire to talk to me about future projects, the industry, or just want to say hi; feel free to us the ‘Contact Me’ page to send a message my way.